Darul Uloom Diniya

The spiritual enhancement of humanity

Modern lifestyle and the materialistic approach of man has robbed him of the peace so important in life. The importance of religion and the solace it provides, therefore, cannot be undermined. Recognising this fact, the Society gives prime emphasis to Islamic ethos and basic tenets and endeavours to bring together religion and science for a well-balanced approach towards life.

The age old Madrasah-i-Deeniya and Madrasah-i Huffaz were united to form Darul Uloom Deeniya in 1983. Being affiliated to Jamia Nizamia, the Moulvi class (Oriental Studies), Darul Uloom Deeniya offers course equivalent to graduation and so far several batches of Moulvis (Oriental Graduates) have passed through its portals.

The topics and subjects taught at Darul Uloom Deeniya pertain to Islamic theology and religion. The prominent areas under discussion include Ilmul Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Ilmul Hadis (Traditions of the Prophet), Ilmul Tafseer (Commentary of the Holy Quran), Seerat (Biography of the Prophet), Arabic Literature and Philosophy. An independent division is dedicated for Hifz (Memorisation of the Holy Quran), Tajweed and Ahli Khidmat-i-Sharia. Emphasis is also given to ethics and moral studies. 

In the year 2021 Kamil course affiliated to Jamia Nizamiya Hyderabad was added.

The Madarsa also provide vocational training in tailoring, carpentry, computer, binding, manuscript restoration etc. Free bus facility is also provided

Admission Details

This Arabic school offers courses in Tahtaniya, Ustaniya, Tabqe Sania, Tabqe Salasah, Fouqania, Moulvi (2 year course) and Aalim (2 year course)

Apart from above courses, the school had a separate Hifz Department (Memorization of Quran).

The admission is free. Based on the age and talent the student is admitted into the above mentioned classes.

Once the candidate is admitted free food and accommodation is provided.

Contact Us

Head Master

Darul Uloom Diniya
Dargah Hazrath Khaja Bandanawaz (RH), Rauza-I Buzurg
Gulbarga – 585 104