Sayyid Akbar Husayni School (ICSE)
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Sayyid Akbar Husayni ICSE School is the brainchild of Dr Sayed Shah Khusro Hussaini. He nurtured this school since inception in 1989. He believes in imparting quality education with a human touch. The focus is on moulding good human beings with excellent character integrity. The School is affiliated to Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi.
The school prepares students for the Indian certificate of Secondary Education (I.C.S.E.) examination at the end of standard X.
Textbook knowledge will not suffice for today’s highly competitive world. All round development of personality is required to face the stress and pressures of everyday life.
“A sound mind in a sound body” goes the maxim. A well-built physique is a pre-requisite to mental growth. Thus, co-curricular activities, sports and games field fulfills this need of a balanced upbringing of children.
It is on the sporting field that our students learn to face the real lessons of life, co-operation, tolerance, adjustment, adaptability and perseverance are few such traits.
We are proud to have one of the best outdoor stadium of Gulbarga city at sangtrashwadi, it covers an area of 4 acres, and has a fully grass laid cricket cum foot boll ground and 200 meters Athletic track. We have a cricket academy and the facility is open for all the students having talent for a nominal extra fee. Volley Boll, Basket Boll, Table tennis, chess, caroms etc. are played in the evenings under the supervision of special coaches and Physical Education Teacher.
At SAYYID AKBAR HUSAYNI ICSE SCHOOL, we blend education with entertainment. The children are encouraged to participate in extra curricular activities, Piano, Guitar, Drums, Tabala and Casio classes are provided at an extra charge. Also opportunities are aplenty to find one’s hidden talents through art & craft, debates, drama public speaking, inter house talent shows etc., to name a few.
The SAYYID AKBAR HUSAYNI ICSE SCHOOL faculty members are driven by the passion of teaching. They are the absolute epitome of kindness and character integrity. Free, open and dynamic interaction among students and especially between faculty and students makes SAYYID AKBAR HUSAYNI ICSE SCHOOL a unique temple of learning.
Facilities to Augment Study
Computer Lab:
The school computer lab is equipped with a good number of stand alone computers with multimedia; training is imparted in internet browsing, latest software’s such as C, C++ and Java.
Science Laboratory:
The school has well equipped separate laboratories for physics, Chemistry and Biology and meets the needs and demands of ICSE course of study. The school proposes to come up with world-class mathematics and language laboratories.
The school library is the hub of all curricular activities. It has a well-stocked library with books covering a wide variety of subjects including fiction, non-fiction, reference books and encyclopedias.
Admission Details
Admission is open to all irrespective of caste, creed and community. Application should be made on the printed forms available from the office. The management will not be answerable for rejection of any application for admission. The following certificates are to be attached to the application for admission.
- For Nursery, Preprimary-I & II and Std I an attested copy of birth certificate is required.
- For Std II and above Transfer Certificate from the previous school.
- Transfer Certificate should be counter signed by the concerned education officer in case the student is from out of Karnataka State.
- Transfer Certificate should be counter signed by appropriate officer of the Indian Embassy / Consulate of the country in case of foreign students.
- Latest progress report from the previous school.
- 4 recent passport size photographs.
- Transfer Certificate from recognized school only will be accepted.
- Admissions will be confirmed only after furnishing above-mentioned documents and passing the entrance test (for Std VI to IX) and payment of non-refundable fees.
- While accepting the leaving certificate from the last school, parents are requested to check the correctness of all the entries, with special attention to the spelling of the child’s name and his/her date of birth, our register would contain entries exactly as they are in the certificates.
- Candidates seeking admissions to classes other than primary section, i.e., Std VI to IX, shall be tested for general proficiency in English and Mathematics.
- Withdrawal – three months notice or payment of three months fee in lien of the notice is required prior to the withdrawal of a student.
- The school-leaving certificate will be issued only after all claims due to the school have been fully settled.
- If a child is unable to get passing marks in a standard, he is retained in the same class and is given a chance to improve his/her work. In the second year of Childs stay in the same class, if the child is unable to come up to the passing standard, he/she will be required to leave the school.
Contact Us
Sayyid Akbar Husayni School (ICSE)
SAH Campus, Santraswadi, Dargah Road, Gulbarga, Karnataka 585104
Telephone No. : 08472 – 223939
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