Make Donation

Support Khaja Education Society .  Support Humanity.

Though the Society has taken rapid strides on its own since its inception in 1958, it has, nevertheless, continued to add and extend institutions while continuing to upgrade the facilities provided in the larger interest of humanity in general and Muslim community in particular.

The mammoth activities undertaken by Khaja Education Society has all along been steered, sustained and spearheaded by the initiatives, encouragement and untiring efforts of its Founding President and other likeminded individuals who have contributed wholeheartedly.

Hence if you share the same philosophy of lending a hand in anyway you can, to those who need your help, it’s time to transform your noble ideals into life saving action. Therefore, the Society invites the philanthropists and donors from within and internationally to generously contribute for betterment of Muslim community and underprivileged sections of the society irrespective of caste, creed or religion.

Donations may be given in the form of DD / cheque drawn in favour of KHAJA EDUCATION SOCIETY, payable at Gulbarga and or remitted through ONLINE DONATION on our website

Tax Exemptions :

The Society is recognized under section 80G of Income Tax Act 1961 to receive donations. The donors will get tax exemption upto 50% of the amount donated. The Society is also approved under section 35AC of Income Tax Act 1961 (43 of 1961) by the Central Government on the recommendation of the National Committee for Promotion of Social & Economic Welfare, Govt. of India vide Notification S.O. No. 1099(E) dated 14th May 2012 wherein the donor gets 100% tax exemption for the amount donated.